Meeting | December 4, 2021

Meeting | December 4, 2021

Meeting was held December 4th at 1:00 at the Red Barn in Lansing. There were 15 memberships represented at the meeting. Meeting was called to order by President Beau Bennett. The minutes of the last meeting were sent out. Harold Thompson motioned to accept the minutes with a second by Dennis Blocker. Treasurer’s report was … [Read More]

Meeting | October 17, 2021

Meeting was held on October 17th at 12:30 at the George Beardmore Farm. There were 44 memberships represented at the meeting. Meeting was called to order by Vice President Dean Anderson. The minutes of the last meeting were sent out and no request was made to have them read. Marlene Blocker motioned to accept the … [Read More]

Meeting | July 17, 2021

Meeting was held on July 17th at 1:00 at the Spillway Supper Club in Harpers Ferry. There were 34 memberships represented at the meeting. Meeting was called to order by Vice President Dean Anderson. Dean introduced a 50/50 raffle being held during the meeting. Tickets were sold 6 for $5. The minutes of the last … [Read More]

Meeting | May 15, 2021

Meeting held on May 15, 2021 at Larsen’s UTV Trails and Rentals in Eastman Wisconson. Meeting was called to order by President Beau Bennett. He extended a huge thank you to Kevin, Dick & Travis Larsen for allowing our club to ride their trails. There were 111 memberships/machines in attendance. The minutes of the last … [Read More]

Meeting | April 17, 2021

Meeting held on April 17, 2021 at Iron Hill Power Sports at 1:00. Thank you to the new owners in hosting our meeting. Meeting was called to order by Vice President Dean Anderson. Twenty-eight memberships were represented. The minutes of the last meeting were e-mail out. In the discussion, it was noted that the Treasurer’s … [Read More]

Meeting | February 27, 2021

Meeting held on February 27, 2021 at Empty Nest Winery at 1:00. Meeting was called to order by President Beau Bennett. Thirty-six memberships were represented. The minutes of the last meeting were e-mail out. Pie Donahue moved to approve the minutes as sent and Barb Thompson seconded. A short review of the actions of the … [Read More]

Meeting | January 23, 2021

Meeting held on 01/23/21 at Lid’s at 1:00. Call the meeting to order by President Beau Bennett. The minutes of the 10/24/20 meeting were read. Dennis Herman moved to approve the minutes and Tim Miller seconded. Sara Miller gave the Treasurer’s report. Income was $780 from memberships and $2 from maps. There were no expenses. … [Read More]