Meeting | January 23, 2021

Meeting held on 01/23/21 at Lid’s at 1:00.

Call the meeting to order by President Beau Bennett.

The minutes of the 10/24/20 meeting were read. Dennis Herman moved to approve the minutes and Tim Miller seconded.

Sara Miller gave the Treasurer’s report. Income was $780 from memberships and $2 from maps. There were no expenses. The Cash and investment balance is at $25,729.49. Dennis Blocker motioned to approve with the second by Jamie Cahalan.

Old Business:

  • Beau Bennett recognized Val Reinke of the Economic Development committee and Larry Rolfson from the OHV Association for being at our meeting and with all the help they have provided the club. Beau gave an overview of the work the committee looking at land options for the park. This committee consists of Beau Bennett, Dean Anderson, Dennis Blocker, Jamie and Krystal Cahalan and Pie Donahue. A motion was made to have the club pay $100 for a membership to the OHV association. Dennis Blocker reminded the club that if we are members, and a park is achieved, they pay the insurance on the park. Don Herman motioned to approve and Dale Fish seconded. A second motion by Joe Hare was made to provide a free membership to our club for Dan Kleen and Larry Rolfson. The motion was seconded by Sara Miller.

New Business:

  1. A discussion of showing appreciation to the Land Owner’s (Beardmores, Tim & Sarah Miller. and Dan & Donna Miller) who hosted rides on their land. It was decided to give them Gift certificates. The motion to approve was by Dennis Herman with a second by Julie Herman.
  2. Upcoming rides were mentioned:
    1. Spring Cleanup – Beau will organize and work with the Sheriff and the County.
    2. May 15th at 10:00 the club is invited to go to Eastman Wisconsin to the land developed by Dick and Kevin Larson. All riding is off road on trails and their will be trailer parking available.
    3. Lansing Fire department has reached out for help to manage this year’s ride.
    4. The club has been contacted by Hospital staff about helping organizing a fundraiser for the hospital.
    5. Krystal Cahalan talked about having a day to go to Fort Dodge to ride to get idea’s for a park. Larry Rolfson reminded that you must have Helmets and OHV park permits.
    6. Anyone having idea’s about other rides is encouraged to bring them forward.
  3. A discussion was help about House file Bill 140. Larry Rolfson mentioned that this bill will be very detrimental to our sport. The bill allows UTV’s to go on any federal or state highway including Interstates. This would allow the funding that benefits ATVs/UTVs which currently gets allocated to the DNR to be possibly be reallocated to the DOT. The club would like to oppose this bill. Pie Donahue made the motion and Tim Miller seconded.
  4. Elections were held. All positions were unopposed with the exception of the role of President.
    1. President – The nominations for president were Beau Bennett and Roxanne Hawkins. By a show of hand Beau was re-nominated as president.
    2. Vice President – Dean Anderson
    3. Secretary – Linda Herman
    4. Treasurer – Sara Miller was re-nominated.
    5. Open Board Seat to replace Darcy Radloff – Chad Radloff
    6. Position of Sales & Merchandising – Rusty Perkins.
    7. Position of PR Marketing (Facebook) – Krystal Cahalan.
    8. Position of Membership – Roxanne Hawkins.

We hope to have the next meeting at Empty Nest Winery as suggested by Tim Miller. More information will be following.

A motion to adjourn was made by Pie Donahue and seconded by Julie Herman.

Respectfully submitted by Linda Herman