Meeting held on February 27, 2021 at Empty Nest Winery at 1:00.
Meeting was called to order by President Beau Bennett. Thirty-six memberships were represented.
The minutes of the last meeting were e-mail out. Pie Donahue moved to approve the minutes as sent and Barb Thompson seconded.
A short review of the actions of the committee working to obtain a UTV park was held.
Some upcoming rides/events were discussed:
- March 7 – Waterville pancake breakfast will be held on Sunday from 7am to noon.
- March 14 – St Patty’s Parade – all entries are to line up at Sweeney auction Lot. It is ok to throw candy this year.
- April – A show of hands was held to see if people were willing to participate with another spring clean up. A majority of people seemed willing. Beau will work with the Sheriff’s department to set up. Weather will play a part in setting the date.
- May 1 – Krystal Cahalan is coordinating a ride at the Fort Dodge Park. See the end of the minutes for more information on this ride. This will be a great opportunity to see what a park may look like if one is built in NE Iowa.
- May 15 – A ride will be held in Eastman Wisconsin at the property of Kevin & Dick Larson.
- Hospital Fund Raiser – Show of hands was held to see the people that were willing to help the hospital hold an ATV ride as a fundraiser for the hospital. They would like to shoot for late August/Early September. There were a large number of people willing to help.
- August 28th – Eitzen Lions will hold their ride on Aug 28th. A representative was present and had gun raffle tickets available to buy.
- September 18 – Lansing Fire Department ride. The LFD has asked for help to manage a larger group. Goal would be to help break into groups and possibly have groups go in opposite directions.
- Fair – No event will be held this year as the Motocross will be held instead.
Another topic discussed was adopting a Code of Ethics for the club. It may need to include a policy on how to deal with a member who has done something dishonorable/criminal. Please come prepared to discuss this at the next meeting.
A future topic to discuss is developing a website. It’s possible we have a volunteer to help set it up if there is interest in having a website.
A motion to adjourn was made by Dennis Herman and seconded by Dale.
Respectfully submitted by Linda Herman