Meeting | July 17, 2021

Meeting was held on July 17th at 1:00 at the Spillway Supper Club in Harpers Ferry. There were 34 memberships represented at the meeting.

Meeting was called to order by Vice President Dean Anderson. Dean introduced a 50/50 raffle being held during the meeting. Tickets were sold 6 for $5.

The minutes of the last meeting were read. Dennis Herman motioned to accept the minutes with a second by Sara Miller.

Treasurer’s report was given. Income during the month of June was $150 with no expenses. Cash in checking, savings and CD’s totaled $30.168.78. Sara Miller suggested that we invest some of the checking account balance into another CD. We currently have one CD for $5,100. Russell Perkins motioned that we invest $15,000 from the $22,521.68 in the checking account. Julie Herman seconded. Club voted and approved.

Old Business:

  • UTV park – Dennis Blocker gave an update on the UTV park. The committee continues to meet by Zoom every two weeks. This past Thursday they met. The group decided to go ahead with getting an appraisal on a parcel of land that is being considered. The location is being withheld at this time due to sensitivity. The committee will meet again on August 6th. DNR will have their homework done to start working on the project.
  • Website/Maps – Linda Herman lead a discussion on the work the committee has done on website and map design. The committee is suggesting the website to be hosted by Go Daddy and link to the Map software thru Scribble Maps. Overall a positive conversation happened. Some items to consider:
    • Chad Radloff – Feels like a Professional Web Designer should be considered for a more professional website. Darcy will forward a suggestion of a name. A show of hands showed a few people wanted to consider this.
    • Fawn Brinkman – Make sure if we use a professional designer, that a common language is used so that it is easier for the club to maintain.
    • Phil Steines – Make sure to include legal information, including how to get stickers from Wisconsin and Minnesota.
    • Dennis Blocker – Consider 2 year sponsorships because renewing sponsorships each year may be overwhelming.
    • Don Herman also told the club that he has Delaware County maps for anyone interested.

New Business:

  • Clothing ‐ Russell Perkins talked about new pricing on clothing. At this time, all shirts are $15, Hoodies are $28, Hats are $15, and Pony Tail Hats are $25. He showed new shirt with emblem. Pocket Tees will probably be coming but will sell for $2 more. Epic Wear is having a hard time getting products.
  • Koozies ‐ Dennis Herman spoke regarding the Koozies. In the beginning the Koozies sales were kept separate with the funds to go to Benefits. They are handing over the Koozie sales to the club to be sold with clothing. New Skinny Koozie’s are available with the club logo.
  • Benefits
    • A card will be going to the family of Drew Gaunitz. A gift of $100 will be included from the past Koozie sales.
    • Krystal Cahalan – An invite was received from Cruizin for Tiny Humans ATV ride on September 18th. A motion was made to donate $100 to the ride by Dennis Herman. After a second was made and the club voted to approve.
  • Membership – A resignation was received from Roxanne Lamb from her position of membership. The club was asked if there were any volunteers for the position. Bob Nargang volunteered.
  • Family BBQ – a short discussion was held to see if there were any ideas or interest in having a family BBQ. Barb Thompson volunteered to bring ideas to the next meeting.

The next meeting will be held on August 21st in Waterville. More information will follow.

The winners were drawn for the 50/50 drawing. A T‐shirt and Hat were given away. The Cash winner of $90 was Jim Evanson. Jim graciously donated his winnings to go with the symphony card to the Gaunitz family.
A motion to adjourn was made by Sara Miller and seconded by Julie Herman.

Anyone interested was invited to ride with Tim and Sara Miller to their farm. A waiver needed to be signed.

Respectfully submitted by Linda Herman