October 21, 2023 Minutes


October Meeting

Date:               21 Oct 2023

Time:              1300/1:00pm

Location:        Spillway Supper Club, Harpers Ferry, IA

Recorded by:  Fawn Brickman, Secretary


Members in Attendance:  29 members

Meeting of General Membership was held and called meeting to order at 1:05pm by Jeremy.


Previous meeting minutes read and approved – Fawn Brickman


Treasurers Report – Sara Miller reviewed all expenditures for July.

Combined totals:                     Expended: (-$1686.45); total income (+$3937.00)

Current balance of all accounts $41,898.19


Old Business.

  1. Rides:
  • Kickin It Fwd Ride- Great ride.  Far away but perfectly executed.
  • Iron Hill Powersports Ride-  Great 1st year.  Krystal and her team helped with the planning.  They led the ride as ‘Ride Commander’.  The funds raised wen to the Waukon Fire Department and the Hero Run.  Thank you presented to the club (see below).
  • Lansing Fire Dept Ride- 396 riders.  Thank you to all the volunteers.  $9 of each of our hat sales went to the F/D- total of $144.  We have LFD hats left over for next year and have regular hats for sale at the meetings.
  • Waterville Fire Dept Ride- Another great ride.  This year’s routes were fantastic.  One of our members donated one of our new club Carhartt sweatshirts to the auction for the club.
  • Spring Grove Lions and Spring Grove Fire Department Fall Ride. This was a great ride from Spring Grove thru Winneshiek and Allamakee County.
  • Beardmore Ride-  Wow great organization by Dennis Blocker and George Beardmore!  11 rigs on Saturday and full on Sunday.  Dennis Herman put to the members to send a thank you by means of a lifetime membership and  $50/gift certificate to Wings.

Motion:    1st Sara Miller   2nd: Dennis Herman

In favor:   All hands

Opposed:  None

  • LA Communications Ride-  Great ride!  Annette and Les thanked the club for their support and participation.  127 rigs attended.  They raised $18,000 going to the Allamakee Fair Association and Northeast Iowa Community Action.  Les and Annete  donated $250 to the club as an appreciation for the help.  Fawn Brickman expressed a ‘Thank you’ for Annette’s social and verbal support during the event- in the week surrounding the ride, the number of new Facebook member requests were insane and rose our following to over 2k.


  1. Memorial for Julie Herman
    An amazing volunteer and dedicated member.  We are still seeking memorial recommendations throughout the winter months.


  1. Consideration on who to send minutes/agenda- Decided on cleaning up the distribution list to cover the past 2 years of membership.  If not renewed, they will drop off the list as disinterested parties.
  2. Volunteers for Positions:
  • Map Updates & Distribution-  Still needed
  • Website Update will be taken over by Phil Steines.
  1. Signage removal in Waukon completed.  Will verify Lansing is completed.

New Business

  1. Elections will be held in January 2024
    This is your time to shine…. Or take over a well-oiled machine.  We will announce all pending vacancies at the next meeting.


  1. Re-Open Online Merchandise Sales
    Online sales are open until Nov 5th.  The embroidered club emblem on the back and your name on front are now options to add.

Vintage T-shirt for Women aso available.

Carhartt sweatshirts can now be ordered individually.  Great durable sweatshirt $58- let Krystal know if interested.

  1. Iron Hill Discount for Members
    As appreciation to the club for helping with the ride this year; Iron Hill Powersports is offering a special deal to all Allamakee County ATV/UTV Club members now through the end of the year! $250 off a new ATV or $500 off a new side by side!


  1. Upcoming Meetings/Events
    December-  Thursday, Dec 7th at 7pm, location TBD- put on your calendar… we hear some elves may leave a few surprises….
  2. Photos-  We are looking for photos from all of the rides and events this year.   If you could Facebook message them or email them to fawnbrickman@gmail.com- it would be appreciated.  Please just pick the top ones from each ride and label the message or email with which ride it is and if you want your name attached (as applicable).

Additional Add-ins

  1. Volunteers for State of Iowa Visiting Members- Lansing, IA
    We had three members and a volunteer bring their rigs to host some of our State Gov Members that were visiting Lansing on a fact-finding mission.  The ride brought them to Mt Hosmer (which if you do not know, you cannot ride a rig up there unless you get special permission from the city) to the old schoolhouse, the old courthouse, the waterfront for a ride on a S&S pontoon and then they continued for some intown events.  Very appreciative and gave the club a moment to show the safety and enjoyment of this type of recreation.  A thank you card was received and read to the members from Main Street Lansing.

Upcoming Area Rides (Club Only):  See Facebook & our webpage for each ride’s details.


Upcoming Area Rides (non-club):  See Facebook for each ride’s details.

04 Nov 2023:  Garwin Fire Department


A motion was made to end meeting.

Motion:    1st Sara Miller   2nd: Jim Evanson

In favor:   All hands

Opposed:  None



Thank you,

Jeremy Bjerke


Allamakee County ATV UTV

Club President