December 2023 Meeting Minutes


December Meeting

Date:               07 Dec 2023

Time:              1900/7:00pm

Location:        TJ Hunters, Lansing, IA

Recorded by:  Fawn Brickman, Secretary


Members in Attendance:  19 members

Meeting of General Membership was held and called meeting to order at 7:22pm by Jeremy.


Membership agreed to forgo reading of the previous meeting minutes. Approved as previously posted.


Treasurers Report – Due to public forum- The Treasurer’s report was on hand, but not read aloud.  Sara Miller’s report covered October and November due to no meeting in November to report October’s input/output:

Combined totals:            October:      Expended: (-$1182.92); total income (+$1137.00)

November:      Expended: (-$0.00); total income (+$856..00)

Current balance of all accounts $42,711.14


Old Business.

  1. Membership Cards/Dues 2024 and Updates- Don Herman reported that it is time to change the password on the website (as done each Jan 1st new year.)  All Lifetime Members, stop by and he will give the new password.

Annual Membership.  Don has a stack of paid annual memberships for 2024.  Anyone that does not make it to the January meeting, he will mail out.

You can update your membership by mail or at a meeting.  Refer to the website or FB for more information.  Annual membership remains:  $15 Lifetime membership:  $150

  1. Memorial for Julie Herman-  The leadership is still looking for any more inputs to memorialize Julie and her contributions to the club and community.  We will ask for continued input and put all the ideas to the membership in Spring.
  2. Email: Consideration on who to send minutes/agenda- Final notice to the membership Decided on cleaning up the distribution list to cover the past 2 years of membership.  If not renewed, they will drop off the list as disinterested parties.
  3. Volunteers for Positions:
  • Map Updates & Distribution- Still needed. Primary job details.  Re-order when needed.  Annual review of sponsors for map & website.  Ensure the few areas that hold our maps get re-stocked as needed.  Work with the Website caretaker for changes/updates.
  • Website Update will be taken over by Phil Steines.  In progress.
  1. Signage removal in Waukon & Lansing – Last review. All signs have been removed to meet with the state ordinance.
  2. Online Merchandise Sales – Closed and in process of being made and notifications for pick-up as completed.  Krystal reported that $5/per item came back to the club.  A check totaling $70 will be cut to the club for the 14 items purchased.  Thank you!
  3. Iron Hill Discount for Members –  Last Call!
    As appreciation to the club for helping with the ride this year; Iron Hill Powersports is offering a special deal to all Allamakee County ATV/UTV Club members now through the end of the year! $250 off a new ATV or $500 off a new side by side!
  4. Beardmore- A thank you of a Lifetime Membership and a gift certificate to Wings was sent to Mr. Beardmore for his support of the club.
  5. Photos- Please send your best photos via messenger or email to Fawn to close out the year.  We would like to have them for media requests- but also, we want to do an annual social collage to summarize 2023.  FB or


New Business

  1. Elections:  It is that time of the year.  As per our bylaws- we must vote in the leadership no later than 31 Jan of each calendar year.

    If you are interested in any of the positions or have spoken with someone that is interested and you would like to nominate them- please let Jeremy, Krystal or Fawn know prior to the meeting.

We will have write in opportunities on 21 Jan 2024.


Balloted Positions:

1-year term :

President –  Jeremy made official notification that he would like to step down.

Vice President– Krystal made official notification that she would like to step down.


3-year term:

Board of Director– Chad Radloff is at the end of his 3-year seat.  Can renew


  1. Upcoming Meetings/Events–  January 21st @ 1:00pm @ Portside, Harpers Ferry.  Voting and annual discussion


Additional items:

  1. Phil Steines presented to the membership that when the atv/utv usage on roadways was updated, carrying a firearm with a carry permit was overlooked. As well as now that Iowa is a Constitutional Carry state it was overlooked once again. This needs to be updated by the DNR OHV Guidance guidelines.  In non-official discussion, they said it was an oversight but made no mention to proceed in updates.  It is a misdemeanor if caught and typically carries a fine.

Phil proposed that we send a letter from the club to the DNR/State Officials requesting the update to ensure members are covered and do not risk legal action if carrying in atv/utv.

Phil agreed to write the letter and bring to the January meeting for review and vote.


Upcoming Area Rides (Club Only):  . None
Upcoming Area Rides (non-club):


A motion was made to end meeting at 1947/7:47pm.

Motion:    1st Dennis Herman   2nd: Sara Miller

In favor:   All hands

Opposed:  None


Drawings:  For a little holiday cheer- we gave away (3) gifts.  $20 gift cert to TJ Hunters; A Club Shirt; and a UTV/ATV Cleaning kit.  Thank you to everyone coming out for the meeting.


Wishing you and yours a very happy holiday season,


Thank you,

Jeremy Bjerke


Allamakee County ATV UTV

Club President