October Meeting Minutes
Date: 06 October 2024
Time: 1200 pm (Food to order at 11am)
Location: River Run, Harpers Ferry, IA
Attendance: 22 members
Meeting of General Membership meeting was held and called to order at 12:11pm by Jeremy.
Previous meeting minutes were not read by consensus of the membership.
Treasurer’s Report – Finance report was not read due to an open forum. September numbers listed:
Combined totals: Expended: (-910.19); total income (+$3,068.19)
Current balance of all accounts $46,675.72
Old Business.
- Membership Cards/Dues 2025-
Discussion and clarification that if you pay for your membership now- it will apply for the 2025 year. In later discussion, Dennis Herman made a motion to adjust the Bylaws to have the membership renewal for the following year to begin on Labor Day.
Motion made to present to the Board of Directors for a Bylaw change: Dennis Herman 1st Don Herman 2nd Ed Brickman Vote cast- All in Favor. None-declined.
- Volunteers for Positions: Map Updates & Distribution
- Club Gear / Online Sales / Hats
Krystal thanked all the volunteers for both the Lansing and Waterville rides. She noted that at both rides, her team sold a total of $2800 of sales. The hats were a great success, with a portion of the sales going to help raise funds for each department.
New Business
- Upcoming Election- Open positions:
- President – Will not run again. This position must be filled.
- Vice President- Will not run again. This position must be filled.
- 2- Board Officers
- Speaker Donation
Shout out to Steve Downing and DBK Trucking and Excavating for making a donation to cover the cost of a portable club speaker system. - Seeking ideas for fundraising for the Allamakee County Child Care Fund
Allamakee County Economic Development and Tourism Representative, Val Reinke approached the club on fundraising for this cause. Jeremy opened the floor and a note to the membership for ideas. Currently, plan for a hat to be passed at a future ride unless someone has other recommendations. - Trailer Maintenance
Jamie approached the President to consider funding for maintenance on the new trailer.
Prior to our purchase, the trailer sat for almost 5-years and needs a few upkeep items such as tires, brake and wheel bearing checks/service.
Motion made to cover any required maintenance needed: Jaime Cahalan
1st Dennis Herman 2nd Linda Herman Vote cast- All in Favor. None-declined.
- Seeking Volunteers for the upcoming LA Communications ride
Reach out to Annette via the Event link on our FB page.
Recommend this ride. Music and much more, along with beautiful sightseeing. - Fall Clean- up, Adopt A Highway
One of our signs is up on the North end of Harpers Ferry. The other end at Red Oak Rd is not as of last check. We are required to do a clean-up two times a year. Plan on this being implemented as part of the Spring clean-up and then again in early or late fall of 2025.
Open Business
- Dennis Herman made the motion to adjust the membership bylaws. See details above.
- Jeremy shared with the members about notice from the Bluecut Trailblazers concerning poor results of ATV/UTV riders since the laws were changed to allow for more open road transit. The statistics on Drunk Driving; Destruction; Speeding; No Seat belts and Deaths have rose significantly. The ere is a discussion on requiring a mandatory training or other means to help get this under control before Iowa loses this privilege. President Jeremy asks each of our members to step up and not be a statistic. In addition, he asks that we take a stand and remind those that are; regardless of if they are club members or not; to check themselves.
Upcoming Area Rides (Club Only):
06 Oct 2024 – Post meeting Club ride to Luana- Come join us.
13 Oct 2024 – Beardmore Ride- Club Insurance Event insurance has been sent to our insurer by President Jeremy.
New this year:
-12pm-1pm: Unload
-1pm: Guest speaker from the County Conservation to give an awareness/info brief on Snake awareness (Eww.. but reality, this year has been bad)
-Ride commences directly after.
Contact Dennis and Marlene Blocker to secure a spot on either day. Email denmar941@msn.com or call 563-568-7459.
Arrive between 12 & 12:45pm pm to sign a liability waiver and line up before the pre-brief. There will be no club meeting at the ride this year.
The ride will last approximately 2.5 – 3 hours. Off-road riding only, no roads. Some steep hills. All of the ride is within the state of Iowa.
Upcoming Area Rides (Non-Club):
19 Oct 2024- LA Communications ATV/UTV Ride , Bluffton, IA
Next Meeting: TBD. Watch Facebook and the website for updates.
A motion was made to end meeting at 12:32pm
Motion: 1st Dennis Herman 2nd: Ed Brickman
In favor: All hands
Opposed: None
Have a safe and fun Fall season,
Jeremy Bjerke
Allamakee County ATV UTV
Club President