Meeting | March 27



Meeting was held on March 27, 2022 at Empty Nest Winery at 1:00.

Meeting was called to order by President Jeremy Bjerke.  Twenty-seven memberships were represented.


Old Business:

The Website is up and running.  All members are encouraged to see what is out there.  Members were reminded to the Members Only login is Member and the password is PlayDirty2022.

The draft of the map is here to look at.  It went to the printers and should be ready in a couple of weeks.

UTV Park – Jamie Cahalan spoke about the new UTV park possibility.  The appraisal has been done and submitted to the DNR.  The next step is another meeting with DNR which is being delayed because of new people to work with.  Jamie has a copy of the process of buying land with the DNR involvement and has a handout if anyone would like to look at it.

A vote was taken to approve paying for the appraisal.  It is our understanding this cost will be reimbursed by the DNR.  Tim Miller made the motion to approve paying for the appraisal with a second by Bob Nargang.  A unanimous vote approved the motion.

Jeremy Bjerke gave a brief description of HF2130.  This passed the House and is in the senate without much happening right now.  If the senate approves it, it would go to the governor for signature.  If the senate changes it in any way, it would go back to the House for approval.  This proposed bill would change the rules of State Highways and times that a UTV/ATV could travel.  It would require lights and turn signals on the ATV/UTV.


New Business:

Ditch Cleanup Day – It was decided to have a Ditch Cleanup Day on Saturday April 9th.  More information to follow.  Be sure to use safety vests and gear.  Also take photo’s and upload to facebook during the cleanup day.  Everyone can choose where they want to cleanup.

  • Will be using Dennis Herman’s dump trailer to collect garbage
  • Someone will be talking to Clarke Tire about recycling the old tires
  • Jeremy Bjerke will let the Sheriff know about the club plans

Membership – The membership Secretary Bob Nargang, wanted people to know that if they are needing to get their membership cards, they can let him know.     He can be e-mailed at

Dennis Herman spoke about being approached by the mayor of Waterville about Country on the Creek.  For the past two years, the UTV/ATV club has sponsored Country on the Creek but was paid for by past president Beau Bennett.  The sponsorship is $350.  A discussion was held with the outcome that Dennis would visit with the mayor to see if we could offer assistance in some way.  This will be revisited at a future meeting.

Bicycle 100 – Don Herman spoke about a group that is looking for volunteers to help.  It is a group that rides 100 miles on gravel roads and needs UTV/ATV’s as support vehicles.  A group of volunteers from our club did this last year.  It takes a little more than a half day and is June.


Two door prizes were given away.  Jamie Cahallan and Gary Kroshus each won a bottle of wine.


Fawn Brinkman made a motion to adjourn the meeting and it was seconded by Sara Miller.

Respectfully submitted,


Linda Herman