Meeting July 17, 2002


Meeting was held on Sunday July 17, 2022 at Buzzards in New Albin at 1:00. A ride was held to and from Waukon to New Albin. Ten rigs participated in the ride. A big thank you to Green Valley for letting us park trucks and trailers in the parking lot!
Meeting was called to order by President Jeremy Bjerke. Twenty-six memberships were represented.
The May Secretary minutes were approved. 1st Tim Miller 2nd Jim Evanson

The June Treasurers report was not given because of the public venue.
Expenses: $ 45.00 (Website assistance)
Income: $ 75.00 (Memberships)
Cash Total: $ 34,164.48

Old Business:
Bicycle 100 – Don Herman thanked everyone that helped. It would be helpful for more machines next year.
Moody Benefit – Beau Bennett told us that 168 machines were present at the benefit. It was successful.

New Business:
Land Acquisition – There will be another DNR meeting on Friday. The Departmental Review is done. The next step is the Cultural and Agricultural Review. A cost is associated with performing and turning in this review that is expected to be between $18,000 – $20,000. The committee is working with the powers to be to get this funded up front. Also an application for reimbursement for the Appraisal will be done.

New Law Discussion – Because the new law opens up roads and hours to the UTV/ATV population, law enforcement will be more active in keeping the vehicles following the laws. As a club we should reach out and encourage other to follow the laws and keep the unintelligent actions from happening. A meeting for an update to Yellow River will be held in Waterville on Monday morning at 9:50. Please see addendum to minutes regarding this meeting. Also noted was that no special permits are needed for Winneshiek County.
A drawing was held for a prize for all who participated in Clean up days. Dave Clark won the grabber.

Ragbrai – Our club is working with the Leadership in Lansing to coordinate volunteers on July 23rd and 30th. We are hoping 10 – 20 machines will volunteer to help. Bike Racks that fit in the hitch receivers are a plus. Contact Krystal Cahallan to volunteer. Trailers are discouraged. If our club volunteers we can qualify for a “gift” to the club that will be split between non-profits that volunteers. Waukon has also asked for some help. If you would prefer to volunteer in Waukon, contact authorities there. But Lansing needs more help so the club will concentrate on assisting Lansing.
Maps – We are looking at updating. Work with the cities will need to be done to update with the new laws.

Stickers – Many people have stickers for their machines. The club is out of stickers. An informal survey was taken and a majority of the club present would like to have stickers available.

Clothing – The club is looking for a new person to head up clothing sales. Russell Perkins is retiring from the position.

Eitzen Ride is August 13th. No Minnesota sticker is needed.

A plea for ride pictures for the website was made. If you have some pictures for the website please e-mail them to

Sara Miller made a motion to adjourn the meeting and it was seconded by Beau Bennett.

Respectfully submitted,

Linda Herman

Yellow River update from Dennis Blocker about the meeting concerning Yellow River – Not much done. The agenda was not worded right so it was delayed. August 1st they will appeal the ordinance so there is no county ordinance just the state law. Dennis indicated ATV/UTV’s will be allowed on any thru road in Yellow River. Dead Ends and Campgrounds are off limits. A 4 wheeler can not legally drive into the campground because they are State Parks.