Meeting | January 29, 2022

Meeting of the Board of Directors was held at 1:00 on 01/29/22 at Milty’s in Lansing.  There were 18 memberships represented.

Additional nominations were asked for to complete the ballot.  There were no additional nominations so the ballot was handed out.  The nominations for Board of Directors were Tim Miller and Dennis Herman.  The following were also on the ballot:

  • President – Jeremy Bjerke
  • Vice President – Krystal Cahalan
  • Secretary – Linda Herman
  • Treasurer – Sara Miller

All of these nominations were approved by written ballot by the members, tabulated by Board Member Chad Radloff.

The ballot also asked if the members were in favor of creating a new position in the bylaws for Membership Secretary.  That position was approved on the ballot with Bob Nargang receiving the votes to hold this office.


New President Jeremy Bjerke called the meeting to order.

A treasurer’s report was given.  The income was $700 from map sponsors.  The expenses $407.10 for logo and printing forms.  Total cash in checking, savings and CD’s was $37,312.86.  A motion to accept the report was made by Jamie Cahalan and seconded by Don Herman.


Old Business:

  1. Update on Park committee – Jamie Cahalan told us that the appraisal is 90% done. Then it will go to the DNR to decide if we can move forward.  If so, then after several more processes a grant would have to be written.  The seller has agreed to keep the transaction quiet.
  2. 2021 Landowner’s Appreciation – $50 Gift Certificates were sent out.
  3. Update on new membership cards – There is one for annual and one for Lifetime.
  4. Update on 2022 Map – Don Herman showed a rough prototype of the map. Darcy Radloff suggested that Postville be added to the map (and the ordinances added to the website).
  5. Update on new Website – As the internet allowed, a short demonstration of the web site was given. There was $6,400 taken in from sponsorships.  The expenses are expected to come in close to $4,025, with $2,225 of these costs as one-time start up costs.  John Sweeney and Phil Steines volunteered to go thru the website training with Don & Linda Herman and Jamie & Krystal Cahalan on February 25th.

New Business:

  1. We were reminded to pay 2022 dues.
  2. Iowa House Bill 800 was lightly discussed. This bill would allow ATV/UTV to travel on more highways.  It is unclear if this bill will move forward this year.  It would seem to be beneficial but the club is in a neutral position.
  3. The membership was asked to look for ideas of rides during 2022.
  4. Ragbrai will be coming thru Allamakee County at the end of July. It’s possible our club will be asked to volunteer to help.
  5. Guests from Clayton County were introduced. They are looking to start a club in their county and were interested in how our club was set up and ran.

The next meeting is set for March 26th.  The time and place will be determined.  At that time, our April cleanup day will be set.


Respectfully submitted,

Linda Herman