March 24, 2024, Minutes

March Meeting Minutes

Date:               24 March 2024

Time:              1:00pm

Location:        Empty Nest Winery, Waukon, Iowa


Members in Attendance:  14 members

Meeting of General Membership was held and called meeting to order at 1:10pm by Jeremy.

Previous meeting minutes read and approved – Fawn Brickman

Treasurers Report – Sara Miller passed on the finances for January & February.

Combined totals:  Expended: (-0.00); total income (+$300.00)

Current balance of all accounts $43,181.10
Motion:    1st Don Herman 2nd: Tim Miller    In favor:   Yes    Opposed: None

Old Business.

  1. Membership Cards/Dues 2024 and Updates- Don Herman
    We have a lot of non-renewed annual memberships.  A blurb will be added to the bottom of the club emails.
    – Waterville Community Center has their Spring Fling on 13 April 2024.  Anyone that is in the area, can stop in from 10-2pm and renew membership or sign-up.
  2. Memorial for Julie Herman-  –  Last call.  Some great plans are being discussed.  A Club Ride this summer, a Pass the Hat to designate a Memorial spot; donations to the lodging that allowed respite during Julie’s treatments in Rochester; Adopt a Highway… are just a few.
  3. Volunteers for Positions:
  • Map Updates & Distribution- Still needed. Primary job details.  Re-order when needed.  Annual review of sponsors for map & website.  Ensure the few areas that hold our maps get restocked as needed.  Work with the Website caretaker for changes/updates.

Discussion of how to streamline the Map process.   Some topics were:

  • Splitting up the renewal stops (volunteers taking 2-3 of our 50 sponsors to follow up for the 2024 renewal);
  • Reducing the number of sponsors on the maps.
  • Removing the Paper copy of the Map and going only to online (This was not voted on or agreed to, just discussed.)

    Don Herman pointed out that our Map distribution has a few hot spots because people want the Map.


Sara Miller volunteered to draft a sponsorship letter to send out to all current sponsors.


Bottomline-  we need someone to step up and take over this club item.

  • Website Fully taken over by Phil.
  1. Concealed Arm Club Letter–  Letter was sent out by Jeremy to Senator Mike Klemish; Representative Anne Osmundson and DNR Director, Kayla Lyon.

New Business

  1. Spring Clean – 13 April (Rain date: 27 April)

–           More info to follow on Dumpster & Metal trailer

–           Can clean up any area that will make our roads and trails better

–           Would like to see some pics

–           A motion was made by Sara Miller, to have a close out meet-up with Pizza for all volunteers.

Motion:    1st Jaime  2nd: Dave    In favor:   Yes    Opposed: None


*Check Facebook for more information.


  1. Legislation- UTVs being able to ride on all state forest roads.  This is in the works to broaden driving allowance scope.  Will allow more access if passed.
  2. Ad in the Waukon Standard – Community and Visitors guide.

Additional Business:

Dan Kleen reached out through our website to inform the membership about the next OHV meeting and (2) rides (posted in the non-club listing):

Saturday May 18th Iowa OHV Association Annual Meeting Fort Dodge, IA


Upcoming Area Rides (Club Only):  . None
Upcoming Area Rides (non-club):  None


Upcoming Area Rides (Non-Club):


06 April 2024– 12th Annual Rusty Rides Run, Waukon, IA

28 April 2024- Iron Hill Powersport’s Spring Side by Side Ride, Waukon, IA (All proceeds are going to the Waukon FD for this ride)

11 May 2024-   Houston County Sheriff Posse 4th Annual ride, Houston, MN

01 June 2024-  Friendship Ark Ride Boone, IA (OHV share)
02 June 2024-  Veterans Home Ride Marshalltown, IA  (OHV share)

20 – 27 July 2024- C.A.L.I.S.A’s ride, Garber, IA (Start & Finish)

17 Aug 2024-   Center Point Legion, Center Point, IA

21 Sep 2024-    Lansing Fire Dept Ride, Lansing, IA

28 Sep 2004-    MLC Ride, Postville, IA

28 Sep 2004-     Waterville Fire Dept Ride, Waterville, IA


Next Meeting:  To be determined


A motion was made to end meeting at 1:53pm.

Motion:    1st Tim   2nd: Bob

In favor:   All hands

Opposed:  None


Have a safe and fun Spring,


Jeremy Bjerke

Allamakee County ATV UTV

Club President

Allamakee County ATV/ATV Facebook Page