Meeting was held on Sunday January 8th at Portside Supper Club in Harpers Ferry at 1:00 PM.
A ride to the meeting originated from DD Liquors for anyone wanting to join.
Meeting was called to order by President Jeremy Bjerke. There were 33 Memberships represented.
The December Secretary minutes were read.
The December Treasurers report:
Expenses: $ 3,800.00
Income: $ 315.00
Cash Total: $ 38,032.48
Old Business:
Ragbrai – We received a check for $4,000 from Lansing Ragbrai. We need to spend the money within 18 months to purchase items (in our county) that will benefit the Club and the communities that we live in. We will have to work on ideas and later submit how we used the money.
Clothing – Jamie Cahalan said the initial source for online clothing sales isn’t going to work. They will continue to look for an easy way to accomplish this.
Land Acquisition – The land acquisition has fallen thru as outlined in December minutes.
New Business:
Update on maps: The sponsorships are in the process of being sold. The maps will need to be updated for the new laws.
CD’s – A discussion was held about how the money for the club is invested. The club’s CD’s are invested currently at .2% and .4% which total a little over $20,000. The savings account has over $16,000 in it. Sara Miller motioned that we invest $12,000 from the savings account into a 15 month CD at 3.85% at Waukon State Bank. In the next 30 – 45 days, Sara will break the CD’s and invest the funds from the CD’s into a CD similar to the 15 month CD again at Waukon State Bank. Jamie Cahalan seconded the motion after the discussion.
Spring Clean up – We are looking forward to another Clean Up weekend in April. A date will be set subject to weather.
Potential Rides
Larson – Hoping to set up a date for another ride at Larson’s in Wisconsin. There was a suggestion by Krystal Cahalan to have club funds rent a portapotty.
Fort Dodge – Hoping to set up a June date for a ride. More information will follow. Keep in mind the 64 inch restriction. There is no room for more than 64 inches.
Potluck – Jeremy threw out the idea of a ride where everyone brought food for a potluck. He suggested we ride somewhere, have a potluck and ride home. He could possibly host the potluck.
Alex spoke on behalf of Iron Hill Powersports and they would like to host a side by side ride in 2023. Iron Hill would do the promoting and have the ride on a Sunday so their staff could participate. Any funds raised to go to a charity or local needs. We hope to set up a small committee to get this rolling. Anyone who would be interested in helping with this please reach out to a club officer.
Elections were held.
President – Jeremy Bjerke
Vice President – Krystal Cahalan
Secretary – Fawn Brickman
Treasurer – Sara Miller
Membership Secretary – Don Herman
Position of Public Relations (Facebook) – Fawn Brickman
Board of Directors – Jamie Cahalan & Rick Miller.
Friendly reminder to pay your dues to our new Membership Secretary Don Herman by mailing them to PO Box 108 Waukon, IA or pay at the next meeting.
The motion was made to adjourn the meeting.
Respectfully submitted,
Linda Herman