May 19 2024, Minutes

May Meeting

Date:               19 May 2024

Time:              10:30am

Location:        Larsen UTV Rentals, Wauzeka, WI.


Attendance:  22 members / 31 Riders

Meeting of General Membership was held and called meeting to order at 10:33am by Jeremy.

Previous meeting minutes reading was declined by the membership.

Treasurers Report – Finance report was declined by the membership.  April numbers listed:

Combined totals:  Expended: (-355.35); total income (+$3562.00)

Current balance of all accounts $47,118.39

Old Business.

  1. Membership Cards/Dues 2024 reminder to pay dues and get updated cards/stickers.
  2. Memorial input for Julie Herman – Dennis is coordinating a memorial ride.  More to follow.


  1. Volunteers for Positions:   Map Updates & Distribution.  Great job by the Don, Millers and Cahalan’s on updating our sponsorship and updates.  We still would like to get a single member to take over for Don.


  1. Concealed Arm Club Letter- Still a work in progress.  Promising for the official update to make the official review/update next year.


  1. Spring Clean Up – Good turn out.  Not sure overall on how much was collected, but the piles were big.  Call out to Clark Tire Pros (Dumpster and space) and Green Valley (Donation of Pizzas) for their continued support for the group.
  2. Legislation- UTVs being able to ride on all state forest roads.  It did pass for all state parks that a UTV/ATV can ride on the state forest roads as of 01 July 2024.  However, you cannot take a rig on any trails.  Signage is up to the parks to update and may be delayed.

New Business

  1. Summer parades-  The club cannot be at all of them, however, if you would like to participate- contact Krystal.  The club has temporary signage that you can use to promote the club and membership.
  1. Adopt A Highway Memorial For Julie Herman – Secondary Roads option.  Finalizing some details with the officials.  One of the routes that seems that we could get some good views would be the Great River Rd from Harpers Ferry to Red Oak Rd.  It is on the Scenic Byway.  More to follow at the next meeting.

Upcoming Area Rides (Club Only): 

TBD – Memorial Ride for Julie Herman


Upcoming Area Rides (Non-Club):

08 June 2024- Ride to Remember – Ride for a Cure, Wadena, IA

20 – 17 July 2024-  C.A.L.I.S.A’s ride, Garber, IA (Start & Finish)


17 Aug 2024-  Center Point Legion, Center Point, IA


21 Sep 2024-  Lansing Fire Dept Ride, Lansing, IA


28 Sep 2024-  MLC Ride, Postville, IA

28 Sept 2024- Waterville Fire Dept Ride, Waterville, IA


Next Meeting:  TBD.  Watch Facebook and the website for updates.


A motion was made to end meeting at 10:48am.

Motion:    1st Jamie Cahalan   2nd:  Ed Brickman

In favor:   All hands

Opposed:  None


Have a safe and fun Spring,

Jeremy Bjerke

Allamakee County ATV UTV

Club President

Allamakee County ATV/ATV Facebook Page