Ditch Clean Up Day

The Allamakee ATV UTV Club’s annual clean up day is scheduled for this Saturday, April 9th. This is a great way for the club to get out and ride and help keep our roads and trail system clean. The time is whenever you would like to participate from sunrise to 5:00 pm.

Clark Tire Pros in Waukon (878 Allamakee Street NW) has donated the use of a dumpster in the lot behind their business, so send a big Thank You to Clark Tire!

To start the day, new bags will be available for pick up from 8-10:00 AM behind Clark Tire, or use your own if it’s more convenient for you.  Clean up anywhere within the county in your own small groups.  Local law enforcement is aware of our event and we may clean up along state highways.

Trash Collection:

Either take the trash you’ve collected to the dumpster at Clark Tire or leave it at an intersection.  If you leave it at an intersection please call or text Dennis Herman at 563-568-8607 before 5:00 PM to have it picked up.  Please place any tires in a pile beside the dumpster or next to your trash bags if left at an intersection.

Recycling questions?
We are unable to accommodate recycling but feel free to sort/ recycle on your own. If any cans are collected in good redeemable condition and in separate bags, we can donate them.

Have fun, be safe, wear safety colors and post pictures to our Facebook page of our club giving back to the community!


Apr 09 2022


All Day